Patience Pays Off for Coleman County Hunter

Seven point white-tailed buck with 18 1/4 inch spread

When it comes to free-range, open country white-tailed deer hunting, that’s exactly what it is, “deer hunting.” If hunting were a sure thing we’d call it “deer shooting.” In addition to hunting for a deer to harvest, weather and equipment can also impact a hunter’s success on any given day. This was more than true for one Coleman County (Texas) hunter.

Last year, after finding a hunting lease bordered by the beautiful Colorado River, Jon passed on many young bucks, but managed to harvest a cull spike buck and a couple of does to maintain the buck to doe ratio and secure table fare. But this was year two.

It had been a great spring and summer in Coleman County. The lease, like the rest of the area, received ample rain and put deer body conditions and antler quality in great shape. However, after opening weekend Jon returned home without “horns.” Sure, he’d seen some young bucks, but nothing he wanted to prescribe a lead pill.

He couldn’t get back to the lease the second weekend of Texas’ General Season to deer hunt, but the third weekend would prove to be the charm… but it still wasn’t easy. Saturday morning, Jon spotted a spike at 100-yards and, after some contemplation, decided to go ahead and take the genetically inferior 1 1/2-year old buck. He settled in for the shot, but the bullet didn’t connect with its target.

Jon’s confidence was blown, he had missed a textbook, 100-yard shot. He wasn’t sure what the problem was, but he had a hunch it could have been a number of things. Had he pulled the trigger or did he squeeze it? Did he hit a limb or did something else obstruct the bullet’s path? Was the scope off? Did the deer move?

After a process of elimination, Jon suspected the scope must have been comprimised. At 4:30 that afternoon, Jon spotted two raccoons he ranged at a healthy 138-yards away. Here he had the option to implement a little varmint control and see if his gun was “on.” Jon deliberatly placed the crosshairs on the furry omnivore and let some hot lead fly. The bullet just sailed over the back of the ‘coon, so he dialed the scope down about and inch and a half and felt confident in the decision.

Afterwords, Jon settled in for the evening hunt. Not much was happening, but then he detected a hint of movement through the scattered mesquite brush. In his own words, Jon makes his account of the event:

It was a quick shot, he came out of no where. I picked up my binoculars and only saw he was outside the ears, picked up the rifle and made the shot all in about 5 or 6 seconds before he disappeared into the brush. I didn’t have time to range him or anything, another 2 seconds and he would have been gone. I didn’t know if I hit him or not because he disappeared as I made the shot and worked the bolt.

Jon was not sure the bullet flew true, although he felt confident that he had done his part. But was the deer down? Not being sure, he decided to wait a few minutes before making the 250-yard plus trek over to the area where he last saw the buck. However, within 5 minutes of squeezing off on the long-range buck, a spike buck walked into view and Jon knew he had a second buck tag to fill. He put the crosshairs on the kill zone and dropped the spike like a sack of rocks.

Jon jumped from his position and approached the spike. After tagging him, he ran down the field to find that his “long-range buck” had fallen in a low spot just out of view of where he had shot him. He placed his buck tag on the bruiser with the satisfaction of a well-placed shot on a nice 7-point buck with over an 18″ outside spread. In a matter of a few minutes, Jon had filled both of his buck tags on two Coleman County bucks!

More from Jon and some specifics:

This is not the biggest deer in the world, but it’s pretty good and I waited two seasons before a fellow like this one walked out in front of me. The buck had an 18 1/4″ spread 7 points.

I took him at 255 yards (Leupold rangefinder) walking through some mesquites. Hit him in the neck, DRT with Remington 7mm magnum LH700 BDL with 3.5×10 VXIII Leupold, 150gr green box Remington Core Lokt’s.

Seven point white-tailed buck with 18 1/4 inch spread 2

Texas Deer Hunting Report – Opening Weekend

Texas Deer Hunting Reports - Opening Weekends

The general season for white-tailed deer hunting opened across most of Texas in the north and central zones this past weekend, sending tens of thousands of hunters to the field in what has become an annual rite of fall stretching back many generations. Texas Parks & Wildlife Department field biologists reported a lot of hunter and staff activity across the state, although much of the data and numbers won’t be available until later in the week.

For example, a biologist in central Texas stated:

“After five years of working that locker, I can say that overall it was about an average weekend. There was warm weather, and a lot of folks saying they weren’t seeing deer – it was too hot. There’s still just tons of acorns on the ground, keeping many deer under cover since they don’t need to come out to other food sources, so I’m surprised it went as well as it did with the warm weather. Deer were in good shape physically; we saw some nice bucks. We were working in some antler-restriction counties, and we were hoping to see some older deer, and we did. Most people seemed to be pleased with the restrictions, some saying they’re seeing bucks on their property for the first time ever.”

Biologists in East Texas counties stated that, overall, it was fairly slow. Opening weekend turned out hot, deer activity was down, and harvest was maybe a little below average in the southern end of the Post Oak Savannah. Now, antler quality was maybe a tad above average. Harvest was still dominated by younger animals, mostly yearlings and two-year-olds. But antler quality of those classes, as well as the few older bucks that came in, seemed to be pretty good, probably a result of all that good summer rain.”

Although warm weather may have challenged Texas deer hunters on opening weekend, good habitat conditions and generally strong deer populations statewide mean that cooler weather coming this week could mean good hunting ahead this fall. Get out there!

Ted Nugent on Deer Behavior

Ted Nugent on Deer Behavior

Ted Nugent, rock star and avid bow hunter, was being interviewed by a French journalist and animal rights activist. The discussion came around to deer hunting. The journalist asked Ted, “What do you think is the last thought in the head of a deer before you shoot him? Is it, “Are you my friend?” or is it “Are you the one who killed my brother?” Uncle Ted then replied:

“Deer aren’t capable of that kind of thinking. All they care about is, ‘What am I going to eat next, who am I going to screw next, and can I run fast enough to get away. They are very much like the French.”

The interview ended at that point.

Missouri Monarch: The World Record Non-Typical Whitetail Buck

The Missouri Monarch is a buck that hunters can only dream about. That is because it was not hunter-harvested, but the big white-tailed buck is the current world record non-typical white-tailed buck. Yes, that’s big! The deer was smart enough — or lucky enough — to avoid hunters despite spending it’s life in the shadows of a major metropolitan area.

The story all started on November 25, 1981, when Missouri Department of Conservation Agent Mike Helland was sent on what appeared to be a routine patrol call in St. Louis County. The white-tailed deer was discovered by a hunter, but it was not shot with bullet or arrow.

Missouri Monarch: The World Record Non-Typical Whitetail Buck

The toothless buck was found dead, apparently of natural causes. The deer had a non-typical antler rack that measured 333 7/8 under the complicated Boone and Crockett trophy scoring system. The massive antlers shattered the record from Texas of 286 points, which had stood since 1892. The buck’s antlers had an inside spread of 25 1/8 inches and weighed 11 1/4 pounds.

Missouri Monarch: The World Record Non-Typical Whitetail Buck

However, there is no definite explanation for the tremendous antler growth exhibited by the deer, but the deer grew a monstrous rack between spring and winter.

Missouri Monarch: The World Record Non-Typical Whitetail Buck

The Missouri Monarch was 4 1/2 years old and had a full-body weight of 250 pounds. The buck had a deformity in the lower jaw, causing it to be set back a few inches. According to Department biologists, the deformity may have been caused by a canine bite early in the buck’s life.

The injury consisted of a small puncture hole in the lower jaw bone that apparently resulted in an infection that caused a total loss of his lower incisor teeth.

Missouri Monarch: The World Record Non-Typical Whitetail Buck

A buck’s antlers are composed of calcium, phosphorus, and protein. When growth is completed, the once soft antlers forms into solid bone. Abnormally shaped antlers occur occasionally, for several reasons, and sometimes represent injury during growth.

The big Missouri buck represents the trophy that most deer hunters dream of, but it goes into the books as a deer “not taken by a hunter.” What a story.

Alfalfa for White-tailed Deer Food Plots

Alfalfa makes great white-tailed deer food plots.

Food plots go hand-in-hand with most properties practicing white-tailed deer management. Alfalfa can be one of the many plant species used to provide supplemental food for your whitetail herd. Most hunters do not know this, but there are over 205 varieties of alfalfa! Which one is right for your property and deer? For those landowners and hunters looking to plant and establish an alfalfa food plot, this article covers information that can help you learn more about high-quality alfalfa.

Alfalfa varieties with the best forage quality will be marked high quality (HQ) or multifoliolate (ML). These select varieties have high yield, are resistant to insects and heavy grazing, and are somewhat winter hardy. Because there are so many varieties of alfalfa, there are a lot of differents between alfalfa varieties. The key is finding the variety that is best-suited for your ranch. Continue reading “Alfalfa for White-tailed Deer Food Plots”