Game Camera Tips for Deer Hunters

Earlier this week I touched on how game cameras and deer management go hand in hand. Not only do digital scouting cameras work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week taking photos of deer on your property, but they also give you a good idea of quality. What could be easier? Here we go.

Camera Placement – I’ve written extensively regarding tips for camera placement, so I won’t go into as much detail here. However, for the beginners out there, the easiest way to photos of white-tail deer is to have something that attracts them. Food, minerals, and water are obvious and good choices. However, although these sites are great for getting deer photos they may not necessarily be the best for collecting deer survey data using your camera.

Rechargeable Batteries – This sounds simple, but you can save yourself some heartache and money if you pay attention here. Digital cameras (and make sure you are using digital) are great because they can work around the clock. The problem is that they are motion activated and that requires power.

Each time they are activated and take a photo, the camera uses battery power. This increases with photos taken in the dark. The more photos you take, the more battery power you will need. Invest in rechargeable and be done.

Solar Panels – You have to love the sun! Sure, it’s not all that great when your sweating your butt off setting up feeders and stands in late summer/early fall, but it can take your game camera to the next level. If at all possible, buy a camera that allows you to hook up a solar panel. If you already have a camera, get it converted so that it will work with a solar panel. Then, when you get the chance to check your camera, all you have to do is change out the SD card.

Pattern Bucks with Game Cameras

Time and Date-This a no brainer, but many hunters fail to set the time and date when they place out there cameras. Or when placed out, the user simply fails to set the time. Let me tell you, it is extremely frustrating when you check your photos and the times are wrong. Make sure to set the date and time because it, if nothing else, it will give you the exact time when animals were in the area, regardless of whether they return or not.

Locks – Scouting cameras are not cheap. Even the cheapest cameras aren’t cheap enough to just give away. If you place your camera in an area where someone could steal it or if you even suspect that someone could take it, make sure it is lockable. Option number two is to buy an after-market locking system that works with your camera. It’s very exciting to get a nice photo of a monster buck, but it’s also exciting when you arrive to check your camera and it’s gone. It’s just a different kind of excitement.

Tips For Whitetail Deer Hunters

White-tailed deer hunters are a varied lot. Just as with deer, some are young and naive while others are older, wiser, and pay a lot more attention to detail. And hunting, like life, is all about the details. Trust me, a mature white-tailed buck pays a lot of attention to details and so should you. With that said, here are a few hunting tips to take with you next time you head into the woods. New hunters, file these tips away. Seasoned hunters, consider it a refresher. Now, here are some key tips when heading out whitetail hunting:

Look for Food Sources

This is rather simple. In wooded areas, look for mast producing trees like oaks and pecan. If trees have mast under them, deer will be there. If agricultural fields are nearby, deer will get there. Look for standing corn, wheat fields, alfalfa, and oats. Oh, and do not miss areas that have been either intentionally or unitentionally burned recently. Deer will frequent these areas to get succulent regrowth and cool-season forbs.

Learn the Lay of the Land

By knowing the area where you’re hunting, you’re more likely to be successful. So you know where the food is, but where are the deer coming from? What routes offer the best protection and are the easiest travel corridors for deer to use? Identify the terrain and natural funnels and take advantage of them. This could be anything from a wooded fenceline to a draw on a hill to a trail beside a river.

Know When to Call and Rattle

Just because you have a deer call doesn’t mean you know what you’re doing. The same goes for a set of rattling antlers. I once heard that timing is everything. This is very true when it comes to using audible noices to attract bucks. Whitetail bucks are much more active and likely to respond during certain periods. Discover when this time is in your neck of the woods. Learn what vocalizations are effective and when, then learn to immitate them. Learn when, where, and how to rattle effectively. Know the limitations of rattling.

Take Advantage of the Rut

During rutting season, hunt specific areas where you know there are lots of does. In addition, hunt those areas in the general area where you know a mature buck resides. This offers your best chance at having a smart deer make a stupid mistake. Because bucks are preoccupied during this time, choose to hunt areas that offer good visibility.

Hide Your Scent, Use Theirs

Scent is the number one way deer detect danger. Even though numerous products are on the market that disguise human scent, they all fail at some point. Pay very close attention to the direction of the wind. Have two or more locations to hunt depending upon the direction of the wind. Learn how deer communicate through leaving and detecting deer scent. Eliminate your scent and use theirs to give you the advantage.

Hunt the Cold Fronts

This is very important at southern latitudes where cold weather comes and goes rather quickly during the fall and early winter. Whitetail deer will be more active and more visible the first few days after a cold front passes through an area. If you can hunt cool weather during the rutting period, your odds are that much better.

Be Safe and Prepared

Hunting is all about getting outdoors and having fun. Make sure you keep your equipment in excellent working condition and it will save on the frustration and keep you in a good state of mind. Don’t take chances. Unload your gun before crawling over a fence. Use a safety lanyard when climbing and hunting from an elevated position. Be careful when cleaning game by yourself. A fall from a tree or even a serious cut can become life-threatening when others are not around to assist you. Do not under estimate caution and check out this article for more hunting safety tips.

Leave a game plan with a friend, spouse, or family member to let them know where you are going, when you are going to check in, and when you are returning home. If you have a cell phone, carry it. Keep a first-aid kit in camp, in your truck, and in your hunting pack. I hope you never need it. But if you do, you’ll be glad you have it.

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