Chronic Wasting Disease Monitoring Continues

State wildlife departments across the United States have continued with their annual Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) monitoring in wild deer populations. Although numerous research studies are underway, there is currently no vaccine or other biological method of preventing CWD in a free-ranging deer herd. The only tool wildlife biologists and hunters have is to prevent the spread of CWD to new areas, because once an infected prion is deposited into the environment through either an infected carcass or from a live deer, it can remain viable for a decade or more!

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) wildlife biologists and technicians have continued their annual testing of tissue samples (brain stems) from hunter-harvested and road-killed white-tailed deer during the 2008-09 hunting season. To date, Texas has had no documented case of CWD within the State. Many of the samples collected over the hunting season are being prepared for analysis at the Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas.

Although CWD has yet to be found in Texas, three hunter-harvested white-tailed deer in Kansas have tested positive for CWD in recent weeks according to the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks (KDWP). In the past few years, numerous cases of CWD have been documented in other states located in the central part of the U.S., including Oklahoma, New Mexico, Colorado, Nebraska, and Wyoming.

CWD is a progressive and fatal disease that results in small holes developing in the brain, giving it a sponge-like appearance under a microscope. Decreased brain function causes white-tailed deer, mule deer, and elk to display neurological symptoms such as depression, a droopy head, staggering, loss of appetite, and a lack of response to human disturbance. The continuing deterioration of the brain leads to other symptoms such as weight loss, drooling, and excessive thirst. If hunting in an area where CWD is known to exist, caution is advised. With that said, no human health risks have been discovered where CWD occurs.

The symptoms of CWD in deer include loss of body weight, stumbling, holding the head at an odd angle, circling, non-responsiveness to people, and pneumonia. Hunters can help protect the health of their local deer herd by taking the following steps to avoid accidentally transmitting CWD to new areas. First, do not transport deer carcasses far from the area where the deer lived, especially from areas where CWD has been detected. Secondly, if a deer carcass is transported, the hunter should make sure that carcass waste is not dumped in a location where other deer can come into contact with it. Carcass waste can also be disposed of by bagging and taking it to a landfill.

Supplemental Feeding and Disease Transmission in White-tailed Deer

Feeding and Disease Transmission

Question: A friend and I are considering starting a supplemental feeding program for the white-tailed deer population on his farm where we hunt. Our goal is to, over time produce larger, healthier bucks and does, as well as attract and holding a larger population of high-quality animals for hunting. I have some concern over supplemental feeding and disease transmission within the deer herd.

We are planning to implement food plots as the main approach to this end, but we are also considering supplemental feeding during the winter, when the does are carrying fawns and the bucks are shedding and preparing for the growth of the coming years antlers.

In my research on supplemental feeds, have I found several articles suggesting that supplemental feeding increases the chances of the transmission of diseases like ‘blue tongue’, which is normally associated with deer using the same watering hole as an infected animal.

I have heard of increased infections and deaths caused by “blue tongue” during droughts, when deer populations are concentrated around fewer waters holes, which increases the probability of coming into contact with infected animals.

I know some of the eastern states have done studies which claim this to be the case for supplemental feeding as well, but has have you heard of supplemental feeding causing such problems? Or has anyone seen the direct problems confirming the results that New Hampshire’s and Maine’s Game and fish claim?

They also mentioned the transmission of the “mad cow-like” disease (chronic wasting disease) is possible between deer fed a supplement is likely. Has anyone heard any thing about this?

Response: Feeding Deer & Spreading Disease

Any time animals are concentrated the chances of disease transmission are increased, regardless of the disease or virus in question. Bluetongue is a non-contagious, insect-borne viral disease of both domestic and wild ruminants, which includes white-tailed deer. Although not contagious, deer will be at an increased risk of infection by carrier insects if they frequent the same areas as infected animals.

Bluetongue virus is endemic to the U.S., but it’s more prevalent in specific areas. As such,if you’ve had a history of blue tongue outbreaks in your area, the chances are good it will happen again. Although cattle and wild ruminants serve as reservoirs for the virus, not all animals will die from the virus.

CWD: Feeding and Disease Transmission

Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a whole other question. Infectious agents of CWD are neither bacteria nor viruses, but are hypothesized to be prions. Prions are infectious proteins without associated nucleic acids. Research has shown that CWD is very contagious, so deer feeding at a concentrated food source WILL become infected.

However, the location of CWD is fairly well known, so you should know if it is in your area, close to your area, or nowhere around. Contact your state wildlife agency or department of natural resources. In Texas, where I’m located, CWD has not been found despite intensive testing by State wildlife officials.

Research has shown that white-tailed deer, mule deer, and elk will become effected if they come in contact with a CWD infected deer, CWD infected dead deer, or if they enter areas where infected deer or infected deer carcasses have been. Despite the fact that CWD is quite contagious, a few deer still seem to be immune.

One thing to keep in mind: Deer are likely to concentrate somewhere – whether it be a water source, food source, bedding area, or travel corridor. Although providing supplemental food will concentrate deer, I suspect that if a disease or virus is present the pathogen will be passed on regardless of whether or not you provide supplemental feed.

Chronic Wasting Disease in White-tailed Deer

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a brain disease related to Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, also known as “Mad Cow Disease.” CWD affects elk, mule deer and white-tailed deer. Researchers are just beginning to understand CWD. CWD appears to be caused by an abnormal protein called a prion. CWD can be spread by close contact between animals, and animals exposed to a CWD-contaminated environment may also become infected.

Usually, months to years pass from when the animal is infected to when it shows signs of disease. Research suggests that the minimum incubation period for CWD in deer is about 16 months. Classic CWD signs in deer/elk 18 months or older include poor body condition, tremors, stumbling, increased salivation, difficulty swallowing, and excessive thirst or urination.

Locations of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in the US as of December 2016.

Typical signs of the disease include drooping head or ears, poor body condition, tremors, stumbling, increased salivation, difficulty swallowing, or excessive thirst or urination. In Minnesota, CWD has been discovered in two captive elk farms in Aitkin and Stearns counties. In the wild, over 15,000 deer have been tested and the disease has not been detected.

The disease was first discovered in Colorado and Wyoming, and has since been detected in wild or captive animals in Illinois, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Montana, Utah, Wisconsin, Saskatchewan and Alberta. CWD was confirmed in Texas in July 2012. More states will need to be added to this list as CWD spreads throughout the US.

CWD has been detected in wild and captive deer and elk populations in 12 states in the West and Midwest. Though it is deadly to some deer and elk species, there is no evidence that CWD is harmful to humans or other domestic livestock.

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