Foundering: Long Hooves On White-Tailed Deer

Deer can sometimes grow hooves that are much longer than normal. Long hooves in deer is not common because I’ve seen reports from many different places over the years, but it’s not something that hunters will commonly see in the field. Just this week, I received an email that contained photos of a white-tailed doe than had long hooves (it was actually just her front left hoof and back right hoof).

This condition is referred to as foundering and I believe the term comes from the word “floundering” because under extreme conditions the animal appears to be floundering around as it walks. From reviewing the literature, there appears to be three main reasons for long hoof growth in deer, but all are related to diet.

Why do Deer Founder?

A deer that exhibits foundering is taking in way too many carbohydrates. Either this is a problem directly related to the forage that the animal is eating or it has to do with the way the deer is processing its food. More often than not, it has to do with what the deer is eating. A diet high in corn or protein pellets contributes to foundering. Corn, of course, is primarily carbohydrates.

Hoof tissue is very similar to antler tissue. If you are feeding protein to grow larger bodied deer and larger antlers then you are also feeding to grow deer with longer hooves. Foundering is almost always the result of a deer consuming too many carbohydrates in the diet too fast.

The result is a buildup of acid in the rumen, which kills the bacteria that digest carbohydrates. This process then results in an increasing pH in the blood that can hurt or possibly even kill the deer from acidosis.

Foundering is a result of these physiological changes within hooved animals. The technical term for problem is laminitis, and refers to the physical separation of the hoof wall and rotation of the coffin bone. So rather than a deer walking on the ends of its hooves, it walks on the sides of its hooves. This causes improper wear and hooves lengthen.

Photos: Deer with Foundered Hooves

Foundering and Deer Mobility

White-tailed deer than have foundered, long hooves will often walk on the backs of their hooves because the acid buildup agitates the growth plate in their hooves. As a result of the deer attempting to ease the pain, the hooves grow longer than normal because the hooves do not have proper contact with the ground.

Without proper contact hoof-ground contact, the hooves do not wear down as they normally would. This problem can be exacerbated on “soft” soils such as clay and sand because hoof wear in deer is already decreased in these areas.

Acorns As White-tailed Deer Food

Acorns. We know white-tailed deer like to eat them and that they serve as an important fall and winter food item for deer, but how good are they really? This question crossed my mind as I sat in my bow stand intently listening for deer walking quietly through the leaves, but all I heard over and over again was snap, thud, snap, thud, snap… acorns! Live oak acorns, the dominant oak in my neck of the woods, have been falling for a couple of weeks and they are still going strong. 

Acorns are rich in nutrients although quality varies between oak species. One thing I do know is that all acorns contain high amounts of fats, carbohydrates, and good amounts of protein, too. From what I have researched, one ounce of dried acorn has on average 140 calories, of which 9 grams is fat, 15 grams is carbohydrate, and 2 grams is protein. Using some simple math, that means a whopping 50% (72 calories) of the caloric intake is from fat! Now you now why deer pig out on them prior to the onset of winter. But the buck doesn’t stop there. Continue reading “Acorns As White-tailed Deer Food”

Game Cameras and Deer Management

For as long as I’ve been fascinated with deer and deer hunting I have wondered about those big nocturnal bucks that no doubt walked across the land where I hunted. That was a long time ago, even before I knew “nocturnal” was a word. Cameras are great for “capturing” the deer on a property, but they also help with white-tailed deer management.

Nowadays, we don’t have to worry as much about the big whitetail bucks that “might” be out there because game cameras help us do a much more thorough job of scouting prior to and during the deer hunting season. I said “as much,” because there always seems to be bucks that elude everything, including cameras (pays to be scent-free when setting out your cameras).

Using Game Cameras for Deer

Using a game camera can be fun and exciting. However, looking back at my first couple of years of using a camera, it was not at all what I had hoped it would be. Sure, I saw some bucks. That’s cool. Some were even better than what I had observed during daylight hours, but nothing like the images that haunted my dreams.

I think deer hunters as a group are very optimistic. How could be get up at the butt-crack of dawn, walk ourselves out into the dark, sit for hours upon hours in adverse weather conditions, and just hope to see a deer if we were not, right? We also want to believe that there is the potential for a “booner” on any given hunt.

Patterning Deer with My Camera

My first season with a game camera was mediocre. The camera proved time and time again that the same spike, 8-point buck, 5 does, and 3 fawns visited the are everyday at about the same time. In addition, an occasional “rogue” buck or two would be spotted overnight, but nothing to write home about. There was no freak nasty.

As it turns out, there really weren’t any big, magical bucks that sneaking through the habitat found on the property I hunted. The bucks I thought lived there, in reality, were not there at all!

Were they hanging out on the neighbors property? What was I doing wrong that swamp donkeys weren’t showing up on camera? Did their patterns include areas of the property where I didn’t have cameras. I moved cameras all over, but no massive bucks appeared.

Managing Deer Hunting Expectations with a Camera

Then I thought about it. If I’m not getting photos of quality bucks at night or at different parts of the property (at any time), then there are not any quality bucks to be found. It’s not that I’m not seeing them, then these whitetail bucks simply do not exists, are not found in the area!

The fact of the matter is if you (like me back then) aren’t seeing any good bucks on your trail camera, then it’s not that you’re having a problem seeing the bucks, it’s just that they do not exists. They aren’t on the property. They likely aren’t on your neighbors property either, or at least in close proximity.

In this case, what I had and what you may have, is a deer management problem. It could even be as simple as a deer hunting problem, where young bucks are being harvested well before maturity. If the only bucks you’re seeing on game camera are yearling and 2 1/2 year old bucks then it’s time to take a hard look at the activities on the property.

There are not many monster 2 1/2 year old whitetail bucks running around. I submit that there are none.

More Deer Management with Cameras

You can use game camera photos to estimate buck to doe ratios, annual fawning success, and the quality of the bucks on your property, but it also gives you snap-shot after snap-shot of what your overall deer management plan (or lack thereof) is doing for you on a piece of property.

Not even the best trail camera can find something that is not there. Later this week I will talk more about game cameras and even include a few more game camera tips for keeping track of the white-tailed deer on your hunting grounds. Until then, keep your hooks sharp and your ammo dry.

Trail Camera Tips for Deer Hunting


The digital game camera really has given hunters one of the best scouting tools available for white-tailed deer and other game, but most users fall short of using their camera to its potential. The game camera can be a great tool for seeing what’s out there, but like any tool, it must be used properly for the user to get the full benefit of using the “hunter that never sleeps.”

First and foremost, a digital game camera will let you see many of the bucks you have available for harvest in the area where you hunt. Most of the bucks you probably would have never seen otherwise. The most common practice employed by game camera users is to set a camera adjacent to their feeder or food plot. Although this usually gets hunters lots of pictures, all it really tells you what deer are present.

You’re probably thinking, “Well, if I know a certain buck is coming to my feeder, then I will just sit there and wait for him.” But, if you really intend for the camera to help you not only get a look at your deer, but also want it to help you bag “your” buck, then you will have to get a bit more creative, so pay attention. Continue reading “Trail Camera Tips for Deer Hunting”

Nutrition and Feeding Habits of White-tailed Deer

Considering the broad range of habitats occupied by white-tailed deer, it is no wonder managers become confused about the nutritional requirements of deer. In the course of my articles on buck management, I have repeatedly discussed the three factors that influence antler quality in bucks: age, genetics, and nutrition.

Of these factors, nutrition is probably the most easily to control for producing quality bucks with quality antlers. Whitetails are extremely adaptable and food preferences and requirements vary greatly between and even among regions. White-tailed deer are much different than other deer species (which tend to be generalist with regards to forage.) Whitetails are more specialized feeders that select specific foods in order to satisfy their nutritional requirements. Continue reading “Nutrition and Feeding Habits of White-tailed Deer”

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